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Great Plains LID Research and Innovation Symposium and Low Impact Development Design Competition

2014 Great Plains LID Research and Innovation Symposium

Grove Rain GardenCOMSOL bioretention cellBrick Pavers-croppedTahlequah Stream


Hard Rock Conference Center
Tulsa, Oklahoma
April 2nd-4th, 2014


Call for Abstracts

Symposium Registration

Hotel Information


What was this conference about?

This conference discussed topics related to Low Impact Development (LID) in the Great Plains of the United States. LID is a land planning and engineering approach to managing stormwater runoff. The Great Plains experience challenges with the implementation of LID practices that are unique to the region.

While this conference focused on issues related to the Great Plains, others from outside the Great Plains were encouraged to present and many attended as well. National and International applications related to LID were encouraged.  We had speakers from 11 states across the United States represented.

Who attended this Conference?

Landscape Designers, Landscape Architects, Architects, Stormwater Regulators, Municipal Officials, Engineers, Students, Teachers, Developers, City Planners, and Researchers are all encouraged to attend. This conference touched on many different topics that will relate to all of the above professions, along with several others.

Where is the conference located?

The conference was held at the Hard Rock Conference Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Hard Rock Conference Center is also the home of a World Class Casino and 18-hole golf course!
The Hotel address is:
777 West Cherokee Street
Catoosa, Oklahoma 74015

You can click here for driving directions.